I, Casey Newton, interviewed a man named Casey Newton about his startup
As PR pitches go, this one had a good hook. “Hi Casey,” it read. “I’d like to introduce you to the other Casey Newton.” For years I had been peripherally aware of the Other Casey Newton (O.C.N.). There are more than two of us in the world, of course, but to my knowledge there’s only one O.C.N. here in Silicon Valley. I discovered him when I clicked on a link to what I thought was my LinkedIn profile: another white guy like me, only instead of writing about startups, he actually helped run them. At the time he was working for dull-sounding enterprise software companies, so I kept my distance. But I always wondered what he was like.
If you’ve ever played Mortal Kombat, you know that at some point Sub-Zero has to face himself. This was…
Source:: The Verge