Why are we trying to create Ready Player One's terrifying, nostalgia-fueled dystopia?
In Ernest Cline’s 2011 novel Ready Player One, the narrator enters the virtual reality world of OASIS to visit a hollow planet filled with thousands of simulated arcades. “Archaide” contains a copy of every coin-operated game ever made, all on perfect simulations of the original cabinet. That’s not the kind of thing we’ll see any time soon, but if you go online right this minute, you can play thousands of classic arcade, Atari, and MS-DOS games, emulated in a web browser and hosted by the Internet Archive.
The similarity between these things apparently hasn’t been lost on the world. In a panel at SXSW, Internet Archive curator Jason Scott said he’d been asked if Ready Player One inspired his work. Cline, his co-panelist, used emulated…
Source:: The Verge