We now know who the 'Mail Kimp' kid from Serial's introduction is
This American Life podcast spinoff Serial was full of little mysteries, but the cutest mystery of all was who was mispronouncing Serial‘s Mail Chimp sponsor as “Mail Kimp” in the introduction. The small, nervous voice spawned countless theories and a Mail Kimp Twitter account. Mail Chimp even decided to take advantage of the buzz and scooped up the domain name mailkimp.com, which redirects to the Mail Chimp website. Now the identity of the person responsible for the whole thing has been revealed.
At this week’s NPR NewFront, This American Life senior producer Julie Snyder said the voice belongs to a 14-year-old girl from Norway, who was waiting in line with her parents for an iPhone 6, according to Capital New York reporter Nicole Levy.
Source:: The Verge