Rick’s Ramblings: One man’s crazy is another man’s Zen
On a break-up message, I was told once, “You’re too much for me, your life is too much, too extreme, too crazy for me, it’s like a roller coaster —full of ups and downs. One week you’re crazy in love with me, we are together 24 /7, the next week, you’re in Cape Town shooting and you don’t pick calls and I get one WhatsApp text saying, ‘Hi! I’m good, hope you’re great, love you’. That’s it, also when I was in Goa, in eight days, I get two WhatsApp messages saying, ‘Hope you’re having fun, be safe, take care, love you, I can’t deal with this. I love you and then vanish off behaviour, you’re too volatile, I think, I want to be with someone, who’s balanced and matured. I can’t do this yo yo thing’.” Well, breakups are tough and honestly, everyone has their reason.
But I remember thinking — Are you serious? How is this any reason to break up? I couldn’t understand why would someone dump me for all my good qualities? In my head, I thought, I gave you space when you went with your friends to Goa, I didn’t nag you, ask you questions. When …read more