‘Razor man’ on rampage sparks panic
When a terrified voice alerted the Delhi police’s control room on Sunday night about a man on a “stabbing” spree, already wounding more than a dozen people, the first question that the officers asked each other was: Is it lone-wolf terror attack?
It was only when an Emergency Response Vehicle, full with armed policemen, arrived at the spot in Outer Delhi’s Mangolpuri area, there was a sigh of relief. The attacker turned out to be a drunk labourer. He did not have a knife. He carried a razor to slash his victims. He was arrested, and the injured were rushed to hospital.
The attacks happened at around 9 pm and immediately sparked panic in the area. “Initially we thought, he would be a strong attacker, and a team of policemen was rushed to the spot. We found that the man was drunk, overpowered by locals. He was thrashed before being handed over to the police,” said a senior police officer.
The accused was identified as Shubham, a 25-year-old who works at a shoe factory in the same area. “Six of his victims — one of them critical — had to be taken to hospital. The razor he used was recovered from him. He …read more