If Super Smash Bros. was about an overbooked pixelated hotel…
At one point, I threw a fridge at a trampoline, which proceeded to bounce back and knock me off the stage. That’s a something I’m glad I can write.
Check-in, Knock-out is the latest in a trend of smaller-scale, local multiplayer PC titles. The game falls somewhere between Towerfall, the four-player pixelated archery fest, and Super Smash Bros. The premise is simple: the only way you can claim the last room in an overbooked hotel is to beat up your competition.
Fighters can’t touch each other directly. Instead, they pick up objects from around the level to throw at one another, hoping to knock one another off screen. Any object is a potential projectile — fridges, trampolines, potted plants, etc. — up to and including the floor itself…
Source:: The Verge