Mines and Minerals Bill in Rajya Sabha on Monday, Oppositionn ready with statutory resolution
Rajya Sabha could witness yet another face-off between the government and the Opposition Monday.
The government plans to take up the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill Monday. The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill is also listed for the day. Both the bills, passed by Lok Sabha last week, will replace ordinances promulgated by the Narendra Modi government.
Although both these two pieces of legislation are not high on the Opposition’s agenda, the parties could strongly convey their opposition to the ordinance route adopted by the government. The real test of the government would be when the government brings the insurance, coal and land acquisition bills on which it had brought ordinances.
Sources in the Opposition said there is near unanimity across parties to oppose these three legislation, on procedural grounds when it comes to insurance and coal bills since earlier bills are pending in Rajya Sabha and on merits on the land acquisition bill.
The Opposition is gearing up to turn the heat on the government for its decision to bring a series of ordinances. They have already moved a statutory resolution disapproving the mines and minerals ordinance brought by the government.
“That this House disapproves the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Ordinance, 2015 (No.3 of 2015) promulgated by the President of India…,” the resolution moved jointly by CPM’s Sitaram Yechury, CPI’s D Raja and M P Achuthan, TMC’s Derek O’Brien and Congress’s T Subbarami Reddy says.
Reddy has moved a similar resolution on the motor vehicles ordinance as well.
The government has already suffered two setbacks in Rajya Sabha. Its attempt to withdraw the coal, insurance and motor vehicles bills were foiled by a united opposition a fortnight ago. Last week, the government suffered another embarrassment when a CPM-moved amendment to the Motion of Thanks to the President’s addressed was carried.
Source:: Indian Express