First Click: it's time for Windows 10
It’s been a long time since I’ve anticipated a new release of Windows the way I’m looking forward to Windows 10. Honestly, the last time might have been Windows 95. I haven’t used Windows at home since the year 2000 when I made the switch to Apple. Sure, I kept up with Windows at work — I had to, I had no choice as an IT professional. But the difference between what I had to use and what I wanted to use was vast, a chasm that only deepened with time: first with the iPod, then the iPhone, and then the MacBook Air and iPad, all conspiring to push me deeper into the Apple ecosystem.
Now I need OS X. Or do I? As Apple moves more and more services to the cloud, OS X is less and less important as the digital hub of my home. In fact, it no…
Source:: The Verge