Watch as J.J. Abrams talks Star Wars: Episode VII and (hopefully) reveals the first trailer
Get your astromech droid to bolt down your inertial dampeners, affix your breath masks, and re-calibrate your lightsaber crystals — it’s zero hour for Star Wars fans. Star Wars Celebration is about to begin, and it’s being live-streamed on Tune in at 10PM PT, and you could be among the first in the world to see the new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, rumored to be broadcast during the festival’s opening panel, hosted by The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy.
If the trailer does arrive, it’ll be the first footage fans will have seen of the hotly anticipated movie since November last year — but Episode VII won’t be the only new film to get attention during the four-day festival….
Source:: The Verge