Why ghee is the elixir of life
I, like most Indians, grew up eating ghee and relished every drop of it. In the late 80s there was this vogue of banishing ghee from your diet because it seems ghee was fat and would make one fat , obese and unhealthy. Whenever I asked how come something which never made anyone fat or unhealthy for about 5000 years , now suddenly started making people sick? I always got just one line “ghee is saturated fat and it will make you fat and your cholesterol will increase and you will get heart disease”. So basically i joined the bandwagon of ignorant idiots, confident that Im doing something good for myself and completely banished ghee in the 90s.
I am someone who take fitness really seriously and not just for the sake of cosmetic value. I have a rigorous workout routine of freehand and suspension training and cardio daily and i dont have any sort of junk food , meat , sugar or dairy , processed foods or drinks , packed juices , etc. I have had this routine for many decades now. About 3 years back after a doctors visit when i saw my lipid profile I was …read more