What happened to the original iPhone’s plastic screen?
This iPhone had a plastic display. So what happened?” src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/iOK5LBJzlFVFhCeQqOPsluLnPIg=/10×0:3492×2321/1310×873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/64692061/72955624.jpg.0.jpg”>
The iPhone Steve Jobs revealed in January 2007 featured a 3.5-inch plastic display. Not many people remember that, because the phone sold that June was covered in glass. The switch from plastic to glass appeared as a footnote in an Apple press release just 11 days before the original iPhone went on sale. What happened in the five months between has mostly remained a mystery, until now, thanks to a video surfaced by Dave Mark at The Loop.
The story is suitably recounted by Jeff Williams, Apple’s Chief Operating Officer, who’ll also be responsible for software and hardware design when Jony Ive leaves Apple later this year.
As Williams tells it, the day after he held up the plastic iPhone on stage, Jobs complained to Williams about…